What is Power-Gen International?
POWER-GEN International is the world’s largest power generation event. This once-a-year event will bring together some of the world’s greatest experts to talk about the regulation, mechanics, and operations of power generation, among other topics.
By The Numbers
In 2017, more than 1400 companies exhibited to audiences of more than 20,000 attendees from 106 countries.
Conferences and networking opportunities abound for those attending and exhibiting. There will be 14 concurrent session tracks (up from 8 last year) for those interested, which will be presented by nearly 300 industry experts from around the world.
Track descriptions include: Gas Turbine Technologies; The Digital Power Plant; Emissions Control; Utility-Scale Renewable Power; Business Trends & Regulatory Issues; Flexible Generation and On-Site Power; Plant Performance; Power Project Financing; Energy Storage; Material Handling; Clean Coal Technologies; Distributed Renewable Power; Nuclear Power; and Gas-Fired Power Plants.
In addition, there will be separate events that provide the chance to network with attendees and other companies before and during the event. With events like a golf tournament the day before the convention officially starts, and networking breakfasts or luncheons and happy hours during the convention, there will be plenty of opportunities to connect with the experts and (possibly) your next customer!
Key Info for Exhibitors
Exhibit space starts at 10’x10’ units, and ranges in price per square foot depending on if you want a premium corner booth or a standard booth. Prices also vary depending on if you want to be a sponsor or be featured in the event guide list.
Why Exhibit?
This isn’t just a gathering of electricians. Attendees at this conference hail from a variety of industries including human resources, engineering, operations, and IT specialists, so you never know whom you might run into. According to a survey of the 2016 POWER-GEN conference, 64% of past attendees do business internationally, and 98% of prior POWER-GEN attendees said that exhibitors’ quality and variety met or exceeded their expectations, which means that their booth and staff really made an impression! On the other hand, 90% of past exhibitors said that the attendees met or exceeded their expectations, and they generated up to 10 leads at the event! 92% of other companies have exhibited here, and they recommend it to other companies.
Exhibitors at this conference will have the opportunity to reach key decision makers. In past years, at least 80% of attendees made the final call on whether to purchase services outright, or at least recommend new business to their companies. 90% of prior attendees used the POWER-GEN conference as a way to drum up new business, in the way of new products, services, or technology.
If you want to impress your existing clients, POWER-GEN also makes that easy. Exhibitors receive complimentary exhibit hall passes which you can distribute to your clients. This will allow them access to the exhibit hall floor in order to visit your booth, free of charge (though it does not include any conference sessions).
Showcasing at this event allows you to raise your business profile within the varied energy industry. For three days, you’ll have the opportunities to showcase your products and services to experts and decision makers. You’ll get to establish or elevate your standing within the industry. You’ll also get a chance to scope out the competition, and see what they’re doing that’s working (or isn’t).
And once you’re there, be prepared!
As always, you can start doing your pre-show marketing early to notify attendees where you’ll be and generate interest. You’ll want to make sure that your booth is staffed with competent, friendly staff who can generate the lead and make the sale without going overboard. You’ll want to think about the message of your booth display and attract customers to you! Make sure you plan accordingly, and you can come away from this event with business relationships that are sure to last.